Monday 27 June 2016

Post Referendum - What SHOULD happen next.

We have reached the end of a divisive and hate filled referendum campaign.

People that voted to leave have been called bigots, racists and xenophobes.

People that voted to stay have been called traitors to the country.

Politicians from BOTH sides have been caught out in lies.

A decision was made to leave, by a slim majority admittedly, but it was made.

This should actually be the end of that process and the start of the next. Working together to find an adult and sensible way forward.
It should be a time to work on reuniting a country that has shown some deep divisions. 
It should be a time where the political elite actually start listening to the concerns and issues that many people have expressed.

It should be a time for everyone to stand up and show the world that we will NOT tolerate racism in it's many forms. We will not tolerate hatred aimed at anyone.
It should be a time of healing and moving forward.

What is actually happening is an increase in hatred and vitriol from people on BOTH sides of the debate.

I have deliberately kept my vote private, it's between me and the ballot box.  This has protected me from some of the abuse, however it has not stopped it all. People who believe they know what I voted and abuse me accordingly. I have been accused of condoning racism, being an ally of racists,  and of being a senile baby boomer that shouldn't be allowed to vote. From the other side I've been referred to as a traitor to the country, a member of the middle class elite (I know, didn't make sense to me either), a loonie leftie, and much  worse,

It's time for activists from both sides to stand back, take a deep breathe, and start working together to heal and repair the damage caused. It is not a time to make it worse.

I always try to believe in hope not hate, and think we as a country can get through this, but only if people start working together and moving forward. Stop the blame game. Stop believing everything the doom and gloom merchants peddle in the media.

Yes,there will be tough times ahead, but we will survive.

Here's hoping for a brighter future.

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